Democracy hasn’t failed us. We have failed democracy.

by Pseud O'Nym

In the midst of everyone playing the blame game about the current Brexit fiasco, no-one has as yet properly identified the main culprits. Yes, proroguing parliament is a desperate throw of the dice by a Prime Minister increasingly out of options. But then we should properly ask ourselves who gave him such crap dice? I mean Boris Johnson had to work with what he inherited from Theresa May and she had a to try and make the best of a bad lot from the first day of premiership.

If, on the 29th June 2016, instead of this country being convulsed with the referendum result, had politicians from all sides pledged to come together in a spirit of common purpose to make Brexit work, then this whole sorry farrago might have been avoided. But then it is hardly fair to blame politicians for being politicians. After all, politicians are, in theory, servants of the people that elect them, and it is they – us – the electorate, that bear ultimate responsibility for the chaos we find ourselves in.

It is worth bearing in mind that 28.2% of the electorate didn’t vote. Mind you, having written that, it’s hard to know whether that is 28.2% of the adult population or 28.2% of the adult population who registered to vote. Regardless of that, given the slim majority of the Leave campaign, had those 28.2% been bothered enough to vote, then probably we wouldn’t have found ourselves in this chaos. Not only might there have been a clear and decisive mandate for one course of action, it would have also prevented the current turmoil being unleashed across the country and the very real risk of civil disobedience might have been negated. But clearly the 28.2% had other more important things to do that day. So if anyone is to blame for the current fiasco, it is them. You might think that some of them may well have assumed a vote to remain was a certainty, and therefore didn’t need to vote, but a certainty only becomes a certainty when it is made so. Possibly the remainers who didn’t vote are the one’s protesting the most vociferously now?

Although the 32.2% of us – well you, because I’ve always voted – who didn’t vote at the 2017 general election are marginally less contemptible. That was the election that saw a divided government weakened to the shambles it is today. That is why where we are where we are, it is wholly the fault of an apathetic electorate and quite why no politician dares speak this incontrovertible truth is beyond me. Far from being a failure of democracy, it is the electorate who have failed democracy.

So parliament is prorogued? It’s not as we voted for it, is it?